May Promo (13+)

A little taste!

For the month of May, I’m offering a handful of FREE Live Streamed Yoga classes. I realize there are a lot of online Yoga classes being offered right now, so let me explain what sets me apart:

This isn’t Hatha, Yin, Power, Restorative, Kundalini or any other type of Yoga class you’ve heard of. My classes are offered without a name/style - It’s a basic Yoga class great for all levels of experience. Each class is focused on moving, stretching, and breathing.

My goal is to lead you to create your own experience and simply feel good, eliminating any expectations or discomfort that might typically come up when you join a Yoga class.

Click below to register:


May Offer


Square Breathing

COVID-19 is a virus which enters our body and then multiplies in our upper respiratory system before attacking our lower respiratory system. It’s caused stress & anxiety in most of us while we watch the number of cases around the world increase and creep closer to home. Medical Professionals are researching ways to tackle the virus, bringing their focus back to the Breath - Why not take that as a sign for you to maybe focus more on your breath?

Great News: Focusing on your breath, will help decrease stress & anxiety! I’m sure you already knew that, but when was the last time you made time to practice or learn deep breathing?

Here’s a quick breathing sequence you can try while practicing ‘social distancing’ from home:

POSTURE: Sit however you feel comfortable, it can be on a chair, on the ground with your legs crossed or stretched out in front.. or just lay flat on your back. Whatever your decide, make sure your spine is nice and straight.

EYES: It’s best to close your eyes, otherwise draw the shape of a square (at least the size of your hand) on a sheet of paper and focus on this while you breathe.

TIP: Roll a blanket/sweatshirt or use a pillow to tuck underneath your tailbone. This will make it easier to sit up straight.

THE BREATH: Visualize or focus on the shape of a square. Starting from the bottom-left corner, inhale slowly as you travel up along the side of the square. Hold your breath as your travel along the top to the top-right corner. Exhale as you travel down along the other side, hold your breath out as your travel along the bottom to the start.

Continue this breath 5 times. Move slowly, control your breath, inhaling and exhaling through your nose at the count of 1-2-3-4-5.



Breathing Sequence